Asylum Granted Despite Conviction for DUI Involving Bodily Injuries
August 30, 2023

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We would like to share with you a successful asylum case in the immigration court.

The client fled from his home country to the United States and was arrested by border officials when entering the US border because he did not have the authorization to enter the United States legally. He told the border officials that he was afraid to return to his home country because he was afraid of being persecuted. As a result, he was given a Credible Fear interview, which he passed. After the interview, the client received a notice from the court and was given the opportunity to apply for Form I-589, asylum in immigration court.

The client hired our office, and we immediately filed a motion for bond with the immigration court so that he could be released from immigration detention.

Upon release from bond, our office continued to assist him in his asylum application before the court. His land had been taken with promises of compensation; however, when this did not occur, our client organized a group from two villages to fight for their rights. Because of his activism, he was threatened with being arrested.

Unfortunately, while waiting for his merits hearing, our client was arrested for a DUI causing bodily injury in which the driver, passenger, and pedestrian were all injured. While this crime had the potential to seriously affect our client’s asylum application, our team vigorously advocated for our client. We showed the court that he had a well-founded fear of persecution if he were forced to return to his home country and that his DUI did not prevent him from being eligible for asylum.

Finally, after nearly seven years, our client was finally given legal status when the judge granted the asylum application the same day of the merits hearing. As DHS counsel waived their right to appeal, the client was immediately granted asylee status.

If you or someone you know fears return to their home country, contact our office.

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Our attorneys possess diverse immigration experience and have an in-depth understanding of the complex interplay between various immigration laws, policies, and regulations, ensuring accurate and comprehensive guidance. We offer a full range of immigration services, addressing all aspects of your case while identifying potential opportunities and challenges.

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Our team is composed of immigrant and first-generation American professionals, along with individuals from various cultural backgrounds. Many of us have firsthand knowledge of the challenges faced during the immigration process. This allows us to provide guidance and advocacy rooted in authentic understanding.